JaxLUG Officers

Rob Mckennon is a long time member of the JaxLUG and is been a presenter for many of the meeting since 2009. Insterestes are: Server Management, Linux XFCE, Ping Pong, Faith. Contact Rob thru Discord JaxLUG server.


Ralph Figeroa is a 16 year JaxLUG memeber. Interests are: Ham Radio, OLD computers, many Linux Distros. Contact Ralph thru Discord JaxLUG server.

Ramon Dominguez is a 10 year Linux enthusiat and a 4 year JaxLUG member.
Interests are: Computing, Raspberry PI, Debian, programming.
Contact R4mOn thru Discord JaxLUG server.

Prior Officers
Please help us to have a complete list of previous staff.
Contact Rob McKennon @ JaxLUG server